Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My happy place

...or at least one of my happy places
Some people have Disneyland
others have the golf course.
I have Ikea.


Christie said...

Ah, Ikea. I have had to make do with the container store. It isn't the same.

P.S. You know you're a blogger when you take pictures in Ikea, of Ikea, to do a post about Ikea.

Annie said...

You're right. And it's a little frightening. Does it make it better that I didn't intend to bring my camera but it was just in my purse? No, I thought not.

Bridget said...

We just went there Saturday. Although our picture would have included about 4,000 people too.

Anonymous said...

Almost unbelievable when I read this post- we had just decided yesterday that there was little to do this weekend, so I planned to go to Ikea to find "something." They have many of these at Ikea....and I am enamored with them!